What steps should employers be taking?

For many, the thought of returning to the workplace may seem daunting. Over the past year a large number of employees have become accustomed to a commute-free life, comfy clothes and regular Zoom calls, so much so that the workplace and face-to-face interaction seem like a distant memory.
Some workplaces have remained open during the pandemic and should already be operating in a COVID-secure way, but these measures will need to be readdressed where businesses are expecting an increase in the amount of staff attending the workplace. Employers have an obligation to ensure the workplace is safe for their employees and we’ve set out some key points below for business to consider when staff return to the workplace.
Risk Assessments
Whether your workplace has been operating with a reduced number of employees in the office, or whether it’s been closed for most of the pandemic, risk assessment should be carried out and kept under review to determine what the risks are in your workplace and how these can be minimised. This may include things like reduced capacity in kitchens or breakout areas, installing partitions and increasing how often the workplace is cleaned.
Travel to Work
Consider how your employees get to work each day. If large numbers of employees are using public transport for their commute this may put them and the rest of your workforce at risk.
Social Distancing
Make sure your employees are maintaining social distancing as far as possible. This may mean reducing office capacity or making sure desks aren’t too close together. Screens and partitions can be useful where space is limited.
Reduced Numbers
Is it necessary to have your whole workforce in at once? If the answer is no, it may be a good idea to alternate who is in the office at each time and continue to support working from home where this is possible.
Regular Screening and Testing
Employers can implement regular temperature checks for staff and may choose to conduct regular COVID testing for staff.
Training and Communication
For any COVID measures being introduced, it is vital that you make your employees aware of any adjustments or policies that the business will be implementing on return to the office. This will not only help with compliance, but also provides employees with reassurance that their employer is taking appropriate steps to protect their health and safety.
It is important for employers to make sure that they are following government guidance, otherwise, they could be at risk of whistleblowing claims being brought by their employees.
You can get further information on what measures you should be taking, what to include in your risk assessment and how to communicate with your employees on the HSE website. If you would like further advice on your obligations as an employer, click here for ways to get in touch.